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Wednesday 15 February 2017

Judicial review in pensions cases

Judicial review in pensions cases  – appropriate forum for pensions complaints (R (on the application of Grace Bay II Holdings SARL and others) v The Pensions Regulator)

Pensions analysis: In a recent decision, the Administrative Court confirmed that where there is an alternative remedy available to claimants the court will only grant judicial review in exceptional circumstances. Tom Robinson, barrister at Wilberforce Chambers London, who was part of The Pensions Regulator’s counsel team in the case, and in the underlying regulatory proceedings, discusses the issues raised in the case.

This article was first published on Lexis(r)PSL on 14 February 2017. Click for a free trial of Lexis(r)PSL.

Read the article here

Jonathan Hilliard QC and Jamie Holmes appeared with Monica Carss-Frisk QC for the Trustees. The Regulator was represented by Fenella Morris QC and Tom Robinson. The Targets were represented by Michael Fordham QC, Iain Steele, James McCreath and Ajay Ratan.

Download the Judgment here (Crown Copyright)

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