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Monday 15 November 2021

Leading Property and Commercial Chancery Silk John McGhee QC joins Wilberforce

Wilberforce Chambers is delighted to announce that John McGhee QC has joined Chambers from 12 November 2021.

John is a leading Chancery silk with an outstanding reputation in the areas of property, company and insolvency, commercial litigation, civil fraud, and trusts.  In addition, John has since 1999 been the general editor (since 2016 jointly) of the leading publication Snell’s Equity.

Brian Green QC (Head of Chambers) said, “We are delighted to welcome John as a member of Wilberforce Chambers. John has an outstanding reputation as one of the leading property and commercial silks at the Chancery Bar, and his joining us adds yet further strength and depth to the excellent leaders and juniors practising in Chambers in these fields. We wish John every continuing success in his practice with us.”

Nicholas Luckman (Practice Director) said, “John’s recruitment adds to the outstanding pool of talent in our property, commercial and general chancery groups, and is a further strong restatement of Chambers’ commitment to these practice areas as part of its providing the highest quality Chancery service.”

For further information in relation to John’s experience and expertise, please see the link to John McGhee QC on the Wilberforce Chambers website, or contact Nicholas Luckman ( or Stewart Cameron (

Click the following links to see an overview of Wilberforce Chambers’ expertise in each area:

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