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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Lexa Hilliard QC to speak at Insolvency Law Conference

Lexa Hilliard QC will be speaking at the  (White Paper) – Insolvency: Shaping New Law into Highly Developed Advice for Clients

Her session will cover:

When can a company attribute the knowledge of its fraudulent management – after its control moves from a fraudulent director to a liquidator?

Answered by: Lexa Hilliard QC, who “regularly handles high value, legally complex cases in both the domestic and international market”. She is “highly inventive, keenly commercial and always thinks of new ways to approach a case”.

The conference will take place on Wednesday 4 November 2015 at the Caledonian Club, 9 Halkin St, London SW1X 7DR.  For further information and details on how to book please see the White Paper website here 

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