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Wednesday 13 May 2020

Estates Gazette Podcast: What the Supreme Court ruling in Duval means for lease covenants

Following the handing down of the judgment in The Supreme Court case of Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent, Joanne Wicks QC and Emer Murphy have recorded a podcast where they discussed the significance of the case with EG’s deputy legal and professional editor, Jess Harrold.

Joanne and Emer, who represented the appellant landlord in the case, discuss the court’s reasoning, the wider application of the ruling and the issues it will raise for landlords and tenants of blocks of flats. In addition, they address how practitioners may adapt their lease drafting moving forward.

You can listen to the full 20-minute episode by either following this link to the Estates Gazette website, or alternatively you can click here to listen on Spotify.

To view the judgment and also read an article that Joanne and Emer have written on the case, click here.

If you would prefer to listen to an even more in-depth piece, on Tuesday 19th May, Joanne and Emer provided a #WilberforceWebinar where they discussed Duval with 300 attendees. The webinar was chaired by Julian Greenhill QC.

The recording of the webinar can be found below.

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